We do not summarize this book, just as we do not summarize what is alive and therefore in motion. By reading it one becomes impregnated with it, that one experiences its effectiveness. With "PASSPORT to ETERNITY", the author reaches the highest peaks without ever falling into the mandate of "supreme" knowledge. We will particularly appreciate that the most sublime subjects of interrogation are approached there with a clarity of expression which irresistibly carries the reader along at a rhythm which never weakens.By placing himself as an objective observer of cosmic reality, the author seems not to have wanted, very deliberately, to do the work as a philosopher. Yet the result of this observation leads him, practically, to lay the foundations of a religion - in the broader sense of the term - absolutely new. His work is composed as a reliable tool; its mechanics , although simple in appearance, is designed to explore with maximum results what we are, what surrounds us, what awaits us.Certain anxieties disappear. Particularly noteworthy is the approach to the problem of Death, the fear of which vanishes when reading PASSPORT TO ETERNITY. This book also warns us against the dangers that threaten our species, but it does, however, lay the groundwork for a saving solution. Louis-Victor Ancet's position with regard to the great problems that he strives to strip of their pretense will certainly not attract the sympathy of the chapels and clans that want to govern our way of thinking. Materialists and spiritualists may find confirmation of their theses on certain pages, but the author's lucidity very quickly puts them in place by denouncing the errors to which all doctrines systematically applied lead. It is therefore not impossible that, for some, the qualities of this work may be turned against it: its clarity of writing may be accused of poverty of expression, its objectivity of naivety, its dialectical rigor of narrow-mindedness, its conclusions of delusional prophetism. Although the fate of a book cannot be seriously predicted, however, it might be thought that "PASSPORT TO ETERNITY", as much by the richness and the elevation of its contents, as by its clarity of writing, will meet a very wide audience among the 'silent majority' very tired of the technical-metaphysical elucubrations with which it is currently fashionable to shower it.The message it delivers must be 'received' by a large number of readers who, half-consciously, expect it in the same way as the author wrote it, i.e. as an inexpressible necessity.