
Curious and sceptical at the same time, he defines himself as an inventor by profession and - irrefutable proof - the list of patents he has filed is impressive, as we can found in the worldwide patent database:" (Keyword for search "Louis ANCET" and "Victor ANCET")

119 patents the most important of which are:
⁃ Device for opening parachutes 1937 - patent FR827852A⁃ Apparatus for forming Morse signals - 1938 (Adopted by the Army)⁃ Earth induction compass - 1939 (Adopted by the Army)⁃ Circular loom (1st Prize at the inventor contest - International Exhibition (Lyon - France) in 1928, at the age of 17 years old) Patent GB395332A Shuttleless loom 1956 Patent FR1086243Aand all the patents related to the devices of the shuttlless looms ⁃ Safety device for elevators - (Emergency batteries allowing thecabin to access a floor during a power failure)⁃ Improvements to signaling systems for road vehicles - Patent FR1088315AWeapon detector (Manufactured and marketed by GRANIOUElectronics (Nice-France), in the 1970s), it was the first weapon detectors in service in the airports of Roissy, Orly, Nice and abroad) - Patent FR2076468A5⁃ Device for electronic watch - 1976 Patent FR2365834A1⁃ Electro-magnetic anti-theft device for library (principle widelyused today on all objects) - 1976 Patent FR2225795A2⁃ Handle for furniture 1957 Patent FR1179141A⁃ Practical book holder - 1971 Patent FR2104895A1⁃ High COP heat pump - 1984 Patent FR2547399A1⁃ Room heat converter - 1986 Patent FR2607581A1⁃ He also undertook studies on gyrokinetic waves, waves thatare similar to artificial gravitational waves - 1964 Patent FR1455795AEtc...

Ancet's Weapon Detector -1970 - Adopted by many airlines - Installed in Roissy and Nice Airport