Air Force Officer
In 1931 he joined the Air Force and in 1939 was promoted to Active Officer.
In this capacity he obtained the following certificats:
Certificate of RadioTelegraphist in aircraft (Morse)
Certificate of Parachute Instructor
Instructor at the Radio Department of the Salon de Provence (France) Air School
He obtained testimonies of satisfaction from his General and the Air Ministry for several inventions
Device for forming morse code signals on board.
Instrument of navigation (Estimeter)
Safety device for the opening of parachutes
Compass with "terrestrial induction".
In addition to the congratulations of the hierarchy, he obtained a credit for the study of this project.
He was decorated with the War Cross (Croix de Guerre) 1939/1940 for the success of perilous air missions.
During the German occupation, he was in conjunction with a group of the Resistance and was named Knight of the Legion of Honor (Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur) for services rendered to the nation.
In 1942, he was demobilized due to the armistice.