Louis Victor ANCET
✝︎ 1911-2000
Unsung Genius
of the 20th Century
Inventor, Physicist, Philosopher
Anyone with a scientific mind should embrace René Descartes motto:
“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.”
Convinced that Doubt or Healthy Skepticism is crucial to science and drives science forward, you should have a look on the site I have realized as a tribute to my father - unknown but a brillant character - who dedicated a great piece of his life to study, understand and design an interesting new approach of the modern physic, especially his New Theory of Relativity and Electrodynamics following his criticism of Einstein's Relativity discussed in his book The Misadventure of Relativity.
Freed from "Relativistic" thinking, Louis Victor Ancet shows that new exceptional discoveries can be expected, as he demonstrates with his Aether Theory , Gyrokinetic Waves, his "Ancet's Field" and other original applications.
Finally, his inquisitive mind, always prey to questions, led him to seek an explanation for Life - exception of the Universe - in his book Passport to Eternity where he proposes answers, based on scientifically established facts.
Apart from these outstanding works, his inventive mind has led him to patent more than a hundred devices and projects.
From 1934 to 1942, he also stand out as an officer in the French Air Force where his courage and ingeniousness were recognized and rewarded (War Cross and Legion of Honor)